Start As You Mean To Go On


Happy New Year!

Will you end the year as you mean to start and START AS YOU MEAN TO GO ON?!

Are you doing DRY JANUARY? Dry doesn't just have to be alcohol! It can be caffeine, sugar, dairy, wheat or whatever else you feel slows you down and clogs up your system.  

Annie Grace's FREE 30 DAY programme here is a very supportive community of people who will be sharing your journey to keep off alcohol for 30 days. She'll be sending you a daily email with a video and once you sign in, you will join a forum of people offering HUGE support. This programme has been going for several months now and is a proven success.

Annie's method of using liminal thinking (the gap in-between the conscious and subconscious brains) aligns your two brains to agree so your behaviour can truly follow what you REALLY WANT rather than a pattern of habits or addictions.

Here are our 2018 Raw Food Evening Dates.  

Wednesday 24 January
Wednesday 21 February
Wednesday 21 March
Wednesday 23 May
Wednesday 18 July  

Find out more here.

This evening experience is a great way to get away for "a change that's as good as a rest" with our best value offering - a meal, a bed if you need it and company with great people, as well as an informative discussion lead by our passionate and knowledgeable naturopath.  

Whatever you do this evening and tomorrow, we send you our very best wishes for a fantastic year ahead. We'll be heading out to board a plane tonight for Slovenia where we are going to take the children skiing for the very first time and continue to build relationship with innovative suppliers out there. 

Helena Cavan