Helena's Gluten-free American Pancake Recipe & MORE!

This is one of my favourite recipes so I thought I'd share it with you...

Helena's Gluten-free American Vegan Pancakes

What you need

Dry ingredients

  • ½ cup buckwheat flour
  • ¼ cup fine oatmeal flour
  • ¼ cup maize flour
  • ¼ cup nutmilk pith flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt (Halon Mon vanilla salt is my favourite with this)

Optional: Add 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon and/or powdered vanilla for extra flavour

Wet ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon Chia
  • 3 tablespoons Water
  • ⅛ cup goji berries covered in water to soak
  • 1 cup plant milk

Optional: Add 1 teaspoon of maple syrup if you want a sweeter batter. May add vanilla essence.


How you do it

  1. Put chia seeds and water into a dish to soak
  2. Cover dried goji berries in water to soak
  3. Mix dry ingredients in a bowl
  4. Add plant milk and stir, then add chia and gojis to the mixture and stir until you have a smooth, spoonable batter
  5. Shallow fry in avocado oil until bubbles appear and pop, then flip and finish cooking
  6. Serve with almond or peanut butter, maple syrup and sliced bananas.  May add frozen or fresh berries to the batter if desired.

*1 tablespoon of chia or flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water is equivalent to 1 egg



Special Evening of Poetry and BnB Sleepover 


You are invited to attend a poetry evening, hosted by The Winchcombe Poets, during which I will be reading along with a few others. The former-bishop and 30-year-BBC-Producer Peter Firth's daughter Susie is coming from Paris (where she works as a cabaret musician) to join us for the evening.  This is not an amateur group so your soul will be deeply fed.  We're all so different from each other too, so the poetry is varied and interesting!

BnB will be £75 per person

I'll be doing a raw food breakfast on the 24th and a gluten-free American pancake breakfast on the morning of the 25th (featuring the recipe above). The house can sleep up to 14 so bring a friend and we'll all have a blast! 

Please reply promptly by email as we don't have this on our system.

Cookery Course Update 

This week we've started our first ever detox cookery course where we are learning how to make gluten free breads, nutritious soups, raw food that can be baked or fried, and a plethora of living, plant-based and raw food education. This morning we were harvesting rhubarb and asparagus from the garden!

I am absolutely in my element and whilst it's a big shift from our detox programmes and raw food weekends, it's awesome and our clients are loving it!

ALL we're doing is food. 
We've been learning about the combination and preparation of different ingredients and food types, using a range of methods and equipment. 

In fact, everyone has brought their own equipment to use and that in itself is a big deal. My passion is that people are able to return home with confidence in their ability to implement everything they have practised during the course. 

Taste and See
With thousands of recipes, courses and cookbooks available online, my clients this week are affirming that nothing beats an immersive, hands-on, practical cookery course! They are seeing, touching, tasting and eating, and having wonderful Ah-Ha moments! 

So what are you waiting for? Join our friendly team for 3 beautiful days of fun learning and good eating in the Cotswolds.

Click here to book your Milestone Cookery Retreat!

In other news, we have reduced the number of our regular detox programmes we are running this year (for a number of reasons) and I would like to invite you to join me for what will be the last and only detox week this year, starting on Sunday 16th September for 7 days. 

Helena Cavan